Saturday, October 17, 2009

No Title

I'm trying to think of something smart and intellectual to write about, but I have nothing. I'm sitting at the dinning room table at home, while my dad takes my great aunt and her friends for the grand tour of Jefferson County and my mom watches Notre Dame play USC. My house is freezing and wearing about 6 layers of clothing trying to get warm. It's horrible outside as it continues to rain for the 60th hour straight. My dog Gwen is sitting at my feet asleep and I'm glad to be home. It may be absolutely freezing and raining and I really want to watch the game, but I still really glad to be home. So far I've done nothing that would be truly note worthy-- I've helped my mom do laundry and switch out her wardrobe; I've played with the dogs; I've stayed up too late and I really want a nap; and I've spent way too much time playing with my new palm pre. (Yes, it's my new toy and it's really dangerous.) So far it's been a pretty normal weekend at home and I'm loving it. Paloma is sitting in my lap-- nope, she's changed her mind and gotten down :(. I guess my great aunt's friends (they're Spanish) think that drive-throughs are crazy and that we devote so much to the Civil War. I guess its because not many people in Spain even talk about the Spanish Civil War and it was only 80 years ago. I guess my weekend sounds pretty boring, but I really just love being at home, not matter if I just am hanging out, or working, or helping with construction.

1 comment:

  1. My reflection was exactly the same. Yours sounds a lot more sane and put together then mine, but I attribute that to my decision to not sleep that night. Is it just me or did not much happen to your life last week too?

    Great discription of playing with ur dogs to fill up space xD. I just gave up in order to not sound like a bumbling idiot (not that you sound like a bumbling idiot). Anyways, I'm glad you had some good times with the family. I know you finished your ethnography early so you didn't have that to worry about. I did >_<.
