Saturday, October 3, 2009

MBTI v Free Will

The MBTI test was both revealing and unnerving. To me, at first it resembled one of those little quizzes you see on the internet. However, if you ask me, the MBTI test is so much more. Because it categorizes you and picks jobs for you. To me, it is almost wrong. I don’t want a test telling me what I should do with my life. I want to be a lawyer, or a politician. I like helping to make decisions impacting the world, and fighting for what I believe in. But then, this test only mentioned on type of attorney I should be. Maybe that’s because I have a certain stance on fighting. I don’t like debating when it could lead to conflict beyond the main point. I have seen countless fights about politics break down into small squabbles, so I avoid them. Maybe that why I put up a front that I have a moderate view of politics. Yet, I could tell you, I know who I am, and I will give you my view on any political issue if asked. Sometimes it leans to the right, sometimes to the left. But when confronted about my views I will debate them. However, at the end of the debate, I don’t judge you, and I would probably consider you more of a friend that if we didn’t debate. The MBTI test didn’t pick up that I like debating political issues. It just picked up I don’t like arguments. But as I said, there is a difference between debates and arguments. Arguments tear people apart, while a debate focuses on one issue, but in the end, friendship remains, or is strengthened.
Anyway, it is my opinion that the MBTI test doesn’t take many things into account. It never can. That’s why humanity can’t be tested with accurate results. That’s why polls predicting different things can be wrong. Mathematically speaking, humans are the unsolvable problem, because each event in our lives adds a new variable, and just changes the equation completely. There is no formula to solve that, and there never will be. Free will at its finest. No test will be able to beat it. So, I like that the quiz told me a lot of things about myself. That great. But by the end of this year, something will probably have changed. Because humans can change themselves. It is an amazing thing. We can do anything we want, and become what we want to be. So, I don’t take this test to seriously, and will follow my dream of becoming what I want to become regardless of a test. I bet the MBTI test didn’t see that coming.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I agree with your argument. I feel like the MBTI is strictly an indicator rather than a predictor of what one's future will look like. However, it's dangerous depending on the person. Since the results sometimes are not what the test taker expected, if their dream career isn't part of the possible choices the MBTI magically spits out, they could begin to second guess their dream career. Also, I agree that the MBTI yields results that will differ if the same person takes it even a year or two later. So many of the factors it tests are subject to change since no one remains the same, especially us college students who will mold and change quickly throughout our four years.
