Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Individualism v Bad

The individual is the identity of a person. So far so good, I like being my own person. Modern individualism can definitely be a good thing, telling us we are all different. It breaks down the barriers of stereotypes and racism. That’s a good thing too! But now people are saying it isn’t possible. Well to that I say I believe it is. Why not? Why can’t it be possible to be our own person? Modern identity may be that we break away from our friends and families, but I don’t think that makes use selfish. We go away to college, but most people go back to their families. And then, there is the fact that just because we break away from our families doesn’t mean we are selfish. I’m away from my family now, and I still try to be very nice to people. Whether or not I am, the fact is I am trying. So I think individualism is what you make it. It is possible; it just requires little more effort. In the same way, a switch back to the old traditional society would not bring us back to racism as long as people chose not to let it. The second one society starts becoming racist, this would break down, as people start to identify with their community as a manner of personal defense. So in the end, we probably would switch back to that bad manner of thinking, but we can dream it wouldn't, right?

1 comment:

  1. Even if our rugged american individualism does not imply selfishness, is it possible that it leads to a degree of self-reliance that renders us unwilling or unable to ask for help even when we are in desperate need of it? The necessity to prove ourselves as strong independent individuals often seems to leave some of us unable to crawl back to mom and pop for minimal assistance even when we are on the doorstep of failure...
