Friday, October 16, 2009

College Oh College

Oh college…

Somehow, I didn’t realize that this crazy mid semester time would come so soon. All of a sudden paper after paper after project after reading assignment seemed to bombard me like an ever growing snowball rolling down a slipper hill with no way to stop it! Although, I think not knowing that everything would happen all at once was better for me in the end. If I had been expecting this busy time from the beginning, I would have stressed myself out even more anticipating these couple weeks of tumultuousness. It doesn’t really help that I still don’t know how to properly study and that I’m still considered a novice in how to write a well written, “A” quality college paper.

With the preexisting stresses of being away from home for the first time and trying to find my place in college, the midterm season could easily have been completely overwhelming. While at times I did feel weighed down by it all, it was extremely satisfying to overcome. I’m done with my first half of a semester of college! This probably wouldn’t sound like a major accomplishment to many, but to me it’s a big deal. At the end of the summer before I began my freshman year at AU, I was bombarded with fears that have since been alleviated. I have already learned so many things compared to my four years in high school. The care and knowledge of the professors at AU motivates me more than I would have realized especially again when I compare it to my high school where I felt maybe two of the teachers I had in all of the four years expressed genuine care for their students.

So far so good!

1 comment:

  1. It is a big thing, getting done with your first half of your first half of your first year of your undergraduate college life! Even though it can seem really small, being able to celebrate the little things is what can keep you going!! Congratualtions!! I thing your right that AU motivates us, but we do have ALOT of work. Alot more than I expected.
