Sunday, November 1, 2009


This probably isn't going to relate that much to what we discussed in class, but it's what I've been thinking about this week...

...there's a very big Jewish convention next week in DC. Both President Obama and the Prime Minister of Israel are going to speak, and my mother really wanted me to go and was willing to pay for it. Thursday was the last day I could have decided to sign up for it, and I didn't. The convention is from Sunday-Wednesday of next week, and I have a paper due on that Monday, a test on Tuesday, and another paper due Thursday (and now the Ethnography revision on Sunday.) I also didn't feel like I'd fit in that well with the rest of the convention, considering even the people my age who are there will be leaders and I am not (yet at least, although I'm kind of scared of the idea.) But my first reason for not going, that I'm prioritizing my school work, is kind of making me think about my priorities in general.

I came to college very anxious about the academics, and so far that's been going better than expected. That said, I haven't lost the nervousness that I felt when I wrote a few weeks ago about writing my Ethnography and how I shouldn't have waited so long. Especially if I want to go on to a career in academia (or law, or most other jobs...) I need to learn not to procrastinate and to prioritize. I actually think I'm already fairly good at the latter, but sometimes I worry that I actually overdo it and miss out on important other experiences (like seeing President Obama speak.) In the long run, though, I think I probably made the right choice.

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