Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Poverty Line Skewed

I feel that this is not true unless in large numbers. Every country will have its poor. It is mostly inevitable. However, if there is a country with a large percentage of people living under the poverty line, there is a problem. The country needs to do more then to support them, and help them out. However, there are huge problems with this logic. The US has a much higher poverty line then many third world countries. This causes the numbers to be skewed (thank you, statistics). So USA’s statistics may say they have more people in poverty than a third world country, but the USA has more people, and a higher poverty line. So the USA, as a society is better off than other societies, yet based on statistics you would never know it.

1 comment:

  1. The challenge, though, is defining "poverty" in a way that actually captures people's effective ability to purchase things rather than their absolute level of resources. The US is indeed a richer society overall, but that doesn't translate easily into increased resources for each individual person, even relative to the rest of the world.
