Monday, November 23, 2009

homeward bound

I went home, and i am Skyping into class on Tuesday. It will be cool, I never did an official video chat before, i will be interesting to see the difference between friends and class. However, enough of my nerdiness. No, that's a lie, that's not going away. Enough talking about Skyping. I like being a nerd. Its were the fun is at. Anywho the big battle of the class this week was if only allowing veterans to vote was a good thing. Some said yes, others no, and both arguments were valid. I agree with the yes though, but not for the same reasons as others. Everybody deserves a vote, its true, but this would technically help topple many barriers, such as sexism and racism. Imagine, anybody can join, and through joining, get equal rights. That means that you are bonded through service, not through color of your skin or your gender. A problem addressed was that women in the armed forces are picked on, or abused more, or hurt and raped. Well, this would happen much less if there were more women in the army. Strength in numbers, right? More women = more power = less chance. That solves that problem. If all races are allowed into the military, and must work together, they will bond, and through those bonds, racism will be defeated. Oddly like that football movie that won't be named to protect me from any and all copyright laws. Thank you Intro to Law class. Oh, speaking of class I signed up for classes. I am on two waiting lists, but it could be worse I guess. That was an experience, the geneds are the worse to pick, because of all the sector stuff. As simple as it can get I guess, but still had me figuring it out for a half an hour. Ok, well its 2 am here in the lovely, beautiful Staten Island, and I am psyched to be home. Oh, i got to go on stage in front of my old high school and help announce the winner of the SING contest, it was a lot of fun!


  1. It's all nice and jolly to think that everyone joining to military will solve all our social ills. I would like to disagree (snobby know-it-all face). Making it mandatory to join the military in order to gain citizenship is ridiculous. This would make a very limited voting pool. No matter what anyone says, all citizens would be the product of the same machine: the military. No matter what your upbringing, the military CHANGES you. Having only the military being able to vote is just biased and doesn't represent the whole population like a real representative democracy should. And the whole solving racism and sexism thing. Doesn't look like worked for the world of Starship Troopers. Probably means that won't work in ours. Sorry man.

  2. Well, I can agree that the military changes you, but I disagree that it makes you vote a certain way. We have soldiers in the military here in the real world that are Democrats in a military that trains them to be Republicans. Also, there is no mention of racism in the book, and of course the women will be separated, but this is to keep discipline, not because they are being sexist!

  3. I like your view of the military being a great uniter among the races.

    I feel that because a lot of the charachters who are joining seem to be ethnic, and serving their country in a productive manner, they would be viewed as a postive force for society.

    I think the problem and reason for racism is that people are exposed enough to the people they judge. In my psyc class we were discussing confirmation bias.

    If you meet two loud obnoxious kids at George Washington and meet no one else, you might think that all students at George Washington are all obnoxious. However because you get so much interaction with people at our school, you do not make sterotypes like this.

    The same is true for racism.
