Saturday, November 14, 2009

Identifying with a group.

Reflections might just be the most helpful thing. After all, they help you take a point in your week and think it through while typing it. It helps I think. This week was one of those weeks where everything could go wrong. But, some parts of it were a relief. The Arlington Cemetery visit helped to put things in prospective. So many people were there to pay respects to those who died fighting for our country. I got to go on an expedition with Ana to section 51, where my great uncle and aunt are buried. By the way, it was fitting that one of my descendants is buried in area 51. I thought it was funny. Anyway, it was quite the trip, and it was cold. But none the less, your great adventurers trekked to section 51 and visited the grave. While there, I have to say I was overwhelmed. I didn’t expect to be overwhelmed, but I was. I guess the idea that I had a link to such an important place, such a great place, was amazing. I never knew my uncle or aunt; they died 20 years before I was born. Yet, I felt I should visit them, because I was here, and since I live in D.C., I should visit them, since they probably don’t get many visits. I don’t know if it matters, but I felt I should do it. Anyway, we arrived there, and I knelled and said my prayer. As we walked back, I felt part of something more. I guess it was because I was part of the very thing veteran’s day was about. Thanking our living and dead for their contributions to our nations, and there sacrifice for our freedom. I identified with the people there that day, because I felt I was taking part in the same thing they were taking part it. It was a feeling I knew others also felt, and I could have probably talking to anybody at the cemetery about it and they would have agreed with me.

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