Saturday, November 28, 2009


Since I came home for break, I have been wondering about change. Do things change when you go away or do they stay the same? Common sense would say that things always change, so they will continue to change when you go away. This commons sense leads to the idea that you just don't notice change until you leave and then come back. But then there is also this idea that things don't change when you go away; the you in turn change so things seemed to have changed when you return(what PTJ said in class this past Tuesday). Change is something that all college freshman have to deal with as they are at home this Thanksgiving break. Not matter which logic you feel is correct, you still will have to face some kind of change now. You can argue that home has changed or you can argue that you have changed, but either way you are going to have to make that change work or possibly face a nasty fight over the holidays. We all used to live at home everyday and not think about it at all; now we all live in a dorm in a new city with no one telling us how to live. I think that everyone in this equation has changed. Students change and adapt to being on their own, parents learn to accept that their child is truly growing up, siblings learn to live without their brother or sister, and the rest of the family starts to try to understand the student as an independent (or as independent as students can be with their parents still financially supporting them) person.
My experience with dealing with this change of Thanksgiving break has gone really well. The break has not been painful or stressful (except I got home and proceeded to get quite sick). There were no fights with my parents, grandparents, aunts, and cousins. Everything seemed to be normal and just like past holidays. The only difference that I have perceived is that I am treated more as an adult by my grandparents and aunts, but overall this break has been comfortable and normal (except for being sick). I have not encountered the awkward moments when no one knows what to do with you or how to speak to you. The break has been normal and I am thankful. I am glad that things have not changed so much as to upset the relationships within my family. I am very glad to be home. And I hope that this comfort continues and I am pretty sure that I will.

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