Friday, September 18, 2009

A Non-Stressful Presentation About the Future

Debra Humphreys' presentation in class today was the first presentation about the future and life after college that did not make me freak out about what I need to do. Every time that anyone begins to talk to me about life after college, not matter friend, professor, or stranger, it makes me really nervous and I begin to freak out a bit. Dr. Humphreys' presentation was relaxed and not full of the typical "list of achievements" that are required to be successful. Her list was very different, and I feel that it was not daunting at all because it was a list of things that I will enjoy learning and developing. My brain did not start making lists of things that I need to do; it was nice to actually be able to be interested in the presentation without worrying about doing what she was saying. In so many ways, I have done what is expected of me my entire life. I have gone to college and I am expected to graduate. I wanted to come to college and I would be in such shock if I didn't graduate. I will graduate, but now is the first time in my life when the expectations have ended and I don't have a solid plan for life after college. I know that I want to work in international relations, but beyond that I really don't know. This is really confusing for me because I always have had things planned out and in order. Now I'm unsure and it is daunting. You could say that I'm a control freak and need to chill, but it is just how I am. But the major thing that Debra Humphreys' presentation made me realize is that I can live without the plan and those expectations (and I'm doing fine with it). I actually kind of like the openended-ness of this part of my life. There are things that are stable and constant, but the things that are random and ever-changing are great. I can let go and not control everything, and I'm ok. I know none of this was in Debra Humphreys' presentation, but I think that the fact that she didn't cause me to freak out has led me to the realization that I'm ok with not knowing what's going to happen next.

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