Saturday, September 19, 2009

Extracurricular Activities: Teaching What Can't Be Taught.

Hard work has once again come up during our guest speaker’s presentation. That’s 2 for 2. She also brought up how extracurricular activities can help students to learn and I couldn’t agree more. Extracurricular activities teach us what academics cannot. They teach us about life, leadership, and yourself. In order to give an example, I will give a blog looking into my past. So anyway, this reflection is reflecting on a club I ran called Tech Crew. (I have a uniform from it; I will wear it one day to class)
Tech Crew started with three of us. I and another became the Co-Directors. Here is what had to be done. We had to recreate the entire thing. The technology was bad, there was no crew, and the Tech Booth was dirty. First, we had to recruit people. That wasn’t too bad. After that I had to call meeting every week for the next three years, so that we could clean and try to make the technology we have better. It took me three years to get a budget, but finally we did. We actually did more than just got better lights. We bought LED lights that made the school green. And we change the entire theater program by making it better.
I learned so much from this. Of course I learned how to use all this technology, and through it I may get a job here at American. However, it taught my many values I never really understood before. Firstly, I learned about leadership. I learned what made a good and a bad leader, by trying to be one. I was a bad leader at times, and I was a good leader at times. I learned that loyalty can beat anything, and with a few loyal friends at your side, anything or any problem will seem smaller and less significant. Even when you get the blame for somebody else’s mistake (that’s the fun part). Yet, through this I learned even the virtues of friendship and trust. So yeah, I agree that extracurricular activities can help you more than school in some cases. Oh and one thing I forgot to mention. Tech Crew gave me the self-confidence that I need because I know that I helped fix and run things once. Why can’t I do it again?

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