Sunday, September 13, 2009

Being God Must Be Really Boring

I know that this is going to sound odd to just about everyone on the planet, but I have come to the conclusion that being God must be really boring. I have reached this conclusion after reading the majority of St. Augustine's Confessions. I know that I sound crazy, but being God must be really boring. Most people when they think of God or some other form of the great creator, first mover, goddess, or any other name that humanity has come up with in the past two thousand years, think of an all-powerful force that can do whatever [insert whatever gender pronoun you prefer, or even the neuter pronoun here] wants to without the restrictions that we mere humans are forced to conform to. There have been so many movies made on the subject of humans wanting to be God (Bruce Almighty just one recently). You can even go back as far as possible in recorded history to Greek myths about humans wanting to be gods (Hercules comes to mind). But I have determined that being God would be really, really, really boring. By the way, all of my points are straight out of Augustine's Confessions.

The first reason that it would be boring to be God is that you never change. Let's be honest, how many people would want to be the person that they were five years ago. Yes, you can argue that jr. high was great. But would you really want to be the same person you were then as a freshman in college? Augustine that God is unchangeable and eternal. The eternal part would be pretty cool, but the idea that I could never change is horrifying. I can't imagine being stuck as my thirteen-year-old self for all eternity. The extreme example of this would be if you were stuck as a baby for eternity. Change is what makes life interesting and being able to change is a key part to being who we are.

The second reason that it would be really boring to be God is that you are an all-powerful being that is stuck without companions and stuck with humans. I don't know if many people would agree, but how stimulating or interesting could humans be to an all-powerful, all-knowing God. It would be like siting down to with an amoeba and trying to play chess. It could be entertaining for a while, but not for all eternity. I'm not bashing all of humanity here, but according to Augustine's description of God, He is so far above and beyond us that it is not hard to think that humans could be really boring.

The final reason that it would be really boring to be God is that you don't experience time. This sounds great on the surface, but it really is not. Most of us take the passing of time for granted, but it is a central part of every one's lives. We live in time. God sees everything at once and that's it; nothing else. Augustine has showed me that time is key to human lives and that I really don't want to be without it.

I know this all seems pretty crazy, but I would never want to be God. I am content with being human. I love being human, no questions asked. I couldn't stand to be bored for all eternity.

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