Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Where Does ME want to BE?

(My title rhymes, I am aware it is not correct English)

If I had to pick a community, most people who know me would probably shout out that I want to be in the Secret Service Community. However, while I do want to be in this community, I think there is another community that I would rather be in.

I would like to be in the community of teachers. Specifically, I want to be a high school Social Studies or Humanities teacher. I realize this is being graded by a teacher so it might seem like a "suck-up attempt." But in reality I have been contemplating the idea of being a teacher for quite some time. I think out of all the professionals I have dealt with, I have always had the most respect for teachers. I have met police men and while they put their lives on the line (some more then others), I do not have as much respect for them as others do. I was a firefighter, and have much less respect for them after being one.

But high school teachers have a hard job and get to inspire others. They get kids who are still kids and are with them for the next for years, when many are considered adults. Its hard to teach kids who don't want to learn, and I believe just as hard to teach when the kids think they know everything.

Part of this decision might also be based on my high school teachers. I had great teachers and had so much respect for them. (Well... most of them...)

I know I am going to windup at the Secret Service, but after my 20 years, I might windup being a AP Government teacher... or at least its a thought.


  1. Justin, both my parents are teachers, so I obviously have a huge amount of respect for the profession and I think that there is no explanation needed to justify wanting to be one. Respected by people or not, teachers are an absolute necessity in any society. Justin, I support your decision wholeheartedly, as long as it's what you want to do.

  2. I'm right with ya buddy. Besides a million other things I've considered, teaching is one of them. When I think about the most influential people in my life, a large number are teachers. Around 180 days a year is spent with a teacher, the bonds formed are great. In my high school, second semester seniors who meet the requirements are able to spend the semester with a professional in the school district. I spent mine with my favorite teacher of all time, Mr. Dillon. It was an enlightening experience. It was odd going back to 5th grade after so long, but so beneficial. I learned a lot about myself in helping the kids in class, and Mr. Dillon preached how great a job he has. I listened and still greatly consider that possible career, though maybe high school teacher instead.

  3. Ok so I just commented on this and of course it got deleted. Anyways, I agree with you my man. Teaching has always been a career I've considered. When I think of the people who have had the greatest impact on my life, many are teachers. It's incredible the influence they have. You spend around 180 days with them, and in that time bonds are formed. Teachers shape and guide the way you think. I would love to be able to do the same for others, to teach kids lessons and help them. Also, the perks are amazing. Pensions and summers off! Not too many jobs enjoy that combination.

  4. And of course, now my first comment shows up.

  5. wow awrbi you like to comment! Teachers are great. My dad is one, and he counts it a privalage to teach kids everyday, that said I have a question has PTJ been an inspiration to you?
    All in all I can eventually see you in the Secret Service, but what is the one aspect of that job that draws you to it? Is it protecting people or the actual thrill. Secret Service and Teaching...I think it is safe to say you will have a very interesting life ahead of you!
